Destin Fishing Rodeo Events
September 7, 2015
When people think of the Destin Fishing Rodeo, they typically think of hitting the water in hopes of reeling in the biggest fish. Many people don’t realize the Destin Fishing Rodeo also has a lot of events for people to enjoy. Check out the events so you can get the full rodeo experience.
Introduction Party
The celebration kicks off with an introduction party for Miss Teen Destin at the Inn on Destin Harbor on September 24 at 6 PM. Captains, crew, and anglers are all invited to the 12th annual party.
Ronald McDonald House BIG MAC Classic
The Ronald McDonald House BIGT MAC Classic takes place from September 25 through the 27th. This event includes registration and a buffet on the first day, and then all day fishing on the other two days. All of the proceeds benefit the Ronald McDonald House of NWFL, so it is well worth participating. Plus, it will get you warmed up to catch some big fish during the Destin Fishing Rodeo.
Cane Pole Classic
The Cane Pole Classic takes place on September 26 from 8 AM until noon. This event is a ton of fun for the kids. Kids 12 and under patriciate for free. While you might not get to participate, you will have a blast watching your kids reel in fish using cane poles.
Captain and Mate’s Meeting
The Captain and Mate’s Meeting takes place on September 30 at 4 PM. This meeting is sponsored by Bud Light and includes entry forms and rule changes.
Rock the Dock Kick Off Party
This party takes place on September 30 at 6 PM at AJs. Be sure to attend so you can enjoy special entertainment and some drinks.
If you’re up for some fun, attend the Destin Fishing Rodeo events. Then, get ready to win some prizes at the rodeo.
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