Catch Big Fish by the Bridges in Destin
September 21, 2015
When it comes to fishing in Destin FL, I’m up for just about anything. I’ll take my own boat out on the water, or go out on a fishing charter. I also enjoy fishing off the piers or heading over to the jetties to drop a line. While I love it all, I have a special place for fishing near bridges. I’ve had a lot of success with bridge fishing in Destin FL, and now I’m going to pass some information on to you. This info will help you when you go bridge fishing.
Think About the Bait
You can catch a lot of different fish when bridge fishing Destin FL. You are only going to be successful if you use the right kind of bait, though. It’s important that you match the bait up to the type of fish you want to catch.
Let’s say you like to fish with artificial bait. If that’s the case, you need to fish for redfish when bridge fishing in Destin FL.
Now, let’s say you like to fish with oysters, fiddler crabs, or live shrimp. If that’s the case, you can fish for some sheepshead.
What if you don’t have a specific fish in mind? If that’s the case, go with finger mullet, croaker, or pinfish. You can also use live or dead shrimp. These baits will help you catch a wide variety of fish.
Be Safe
You also need to be safe when you are bridge fishing in Destin FL. That means you need to make sure your navigation lights are working so you don’t blend in with the bridge. Also, bring 7 feet of anchor line for every foot of water. That way you can drop your anchor if the current gets rough.
Follow these tips and you will be a pro at bridge fishing in Destin FL.
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