Swoop I and II
May 15, 2015
If you have been searching for Destin FL fishing charters, there is a good chance you have come across the Swoop I and II Deep Sea Fishing Boats. These fishing boats are among the most popular in Destin. Let’s take a look at what you can expect if you go out on one of these Destin FL fishing charters.
The Boats
If you go out on the Swoop I or II, you will board a 65′ party fishing boat. Both boats have twin 660 hp Caterpillar engines and can cruise at 20 knots. They can hold up to 49 passengers and have 40 fishing stations on the deck.
The Trips
Like most Destin FL fishing charters, you have some options when you go out on the Swoop I or II. You can go out on a half day or a full day trip with this company. The half day trips last for 5 hours from late May until mid-August, and for 6 hours for the rest of the year. The half day charter goes out at 7 AM.
The full day charter goes up to 30 miles offshore. These 8 hour trips are available on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday and leave at 8 AM. You can catch a variety of fish on this trip, including black fin tuna, king mackerel, and a variety of snapper.
Private Charters
While some Destin FL fishing charters only offer group charters, you can take a private charter on the Swoop I or II. Private charters must be reserved for at least 8 hours and cost $350 an hour. If that is too steep for you, just go out on one of the regularly scheduled trips.
Destin FL fishing charters provide a great way to catch some big fish. If you want to finally catch the big one, book a spot on one of the charters. Check out the Swoop I or II or one of the other fishing charters reviewed on this site.
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